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March 31, 2007
Nothing like a little advertising ...
I have had an interesting conversation with Amazon.com on the subject of getting my literary attempts noticed and I have to say that they have been exceptionally helpful. Now all I have to do is figure out how to make use of this information. Step one is - how do I get a permanent link and advert for my books and short stories built into this template? Once I can do that I think I know how to set up the ads!
Click on the picture to find the Short Story on Amazon
The story, Facing the Banshee, explores the responses of two small boys growing up in the tense atmosphere of an Ireland riven by civil war and religious and poiltical divisions. The story revolves around the summer of 1797 and the harvest time - a time when all the children were required to help gather and garner. But, as Autumn draws to a close and the nights begin to draw in this magical and ancient landscape has a few surprises for the children ....
Click on the picture to find the short storyThe summer of 1798 in Ireland was an uneasy time - rebellion was yet again stalking the land, but, as the summer draws to a close, the rebellion has been bloodily suppressed, the French Army has surrendered and Wolfe Tone is in prison. All that remains are the few rebels still on the loose - but some may even threaten a famillies security by their very association ....
OK, so this is an experiment - one I will monitor until I can get into the template and post it in the side strap where it belongs!
Posted by The Gray Monk at March 31, 2007 05:01 PM
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Dunno what you are talking about. It looks fine to me...
Posted by: Ozguru at March 12, 2007 10:56 AM