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April 01, 2007

Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday in the Christian Calendar, the day we mark the start of Holy Week by commemorating the triumphal entry into Jerusalem of Jesus Christ, riding on the back of a donkey. In churches all over England services will start with a procession of people bearing palm branches or crosses made from palm fronds and in many they will be led by a donkey, its back covered by a blanket to symbolise a riders 'saddle'. Many of the donkeys will be old hands, some will be new to it. Most will stop at the door to the church, but many will be led right to the altar as will happen today in the Abbey.

Having animals in procession is always an entertaining business since you never quite know what they think of all the fuss - or what they may find they want to investigate. Over the years I have seen donkeys suddenly decide that a floral display looks tasty, or that the basket of palm crosses is edible. One year we had one that was very new to this - it was his first outing as the 'star' - and the band got its Rubrics wrong. So when the donkey led off the band, instead of joining the tail of the procession as they should, nipped in behind him. First bar of the hymn brought the procession to an immediate halt as our donkey stopped dead, legs locked and refused to move with that noise behind him! Nothing would shift him at all - not even moving the band, so we ended up processing in front of him - a lesson learned to the amusement of all.

I confess to having a soft spot for donkeys, even today these little beasts can be seen all over the world loaded down with burdens almost as big as they are, uncomplaining as they wander along behind a master or draw an overloaded cart. Popular imagination says that the mark of the cross found on their backs and shoulders is the badge of honour from that first Palm Sunday. Perhaps it is. As I walk behind the donkey today I will be focussed on the fickleness of the mob that welcomed Christ when they thought he would evict the Roman and establish the Davidic Kingdom anew - and not very long afterwards, when the real nature of His kingdom became apparent - crucified Him.

Posted by The Gray Monk at April 1, 2007 05:20 AM

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