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January 31, 2009

A Morning at Sea

Mausi has returned from a splendid conference held in the beautiful city of San Francisco. The best part about San Francisco is of course that it is right next to the sea. Mausi had the Sunday before the conferencde at her own disposal. What better way to start such a beautiful day - 15 deg C in bright sunshine, almost springlike for a European! - than walk down to Pier 39 and say 'Hello' to the colony of sea lions there.

Meet the Sea Lions of San Francisco

They really have a beautiful resting place there and a restaurant right next to them. What more could they ask?

A cosy little restaurant right next to the sea lions' place. Mausi bets they make good use of its vicinity.

After leaving the sea lions Mausi decided that this morning was perfect for a cruise around the bay and went on board. At 10 o'clock in the morning there were only few passengers and Mausi did not have to fight for a place to take good pictures.

The boat went towards Golden Gate Bridge which was stunningly beautiful in the morning sun. Before the days of the bridge the Golden Gate in the bay was guarded by a little fort right next to is entrance. When the first plans for the bridge were drawn it was decided that the fort would have to go and make room for the bridge. Luckily the architect had second thoughts about this and instead of tearing the fort down he changed the plans and gave that fort a little arc of its own to nestle underneath. A perfect solution!

The original layout of the bridge was changed to accomodate the little fort.

The boat went right underneath the bridge and Mausi was able to take some stunning photographs.

Out through the Gate we go!

Then the boat turned and headed back towards the harbour.

A last glance at the Bridge.

A real pity the whole ride only lasted one hour. It was an hour well spent!

Posted by Mausi at January 31, 2009 03:57 PM

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