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December 01, 2008

Images of Kazakhstan

One of the abiding images I have of the former Eastern Bloc countries I have visited is the hats they wear with uniforms. They're huge and the tops look like something you could launch a Harrier from. And the rake on the top suggests it will shed snow fairly effectively too. Perhaps that's the secret of their sheer size and they certainly lend a presence to the wearer. On the last day of the conference they put on a demonstration for the delegates and for the City Politicians to show the problem for rescue services - their 50 metre (162 feet) ladder and high-rise fire fighting aerial platform could reach the fourteenth floor of this 40 storey building.

The Big Hats have arrived! The Exercise director greets the Colonel, Deputy Chief of the Almaty Emergency Services. Serge, the Colonel here was one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of meeting.

A 50 metre Bronto Skylift at full stretch - fourteen floors and armoured glass.

I have to admit that this visit will be one of many happy memories for the foreseeable future. It was interesting and I have met some really dedicated people determined to make the service of which they are part a truly efficient and effective service.

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 1, 2008 02:15 PM

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