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December 02, 2008

December already? Where has the year gone?

I seem to have had a busy year. Trouble is, I seem to have ended the year having done a lot of running around and very little relaxing. Worse, some of the work I have done has yet to be paid for so now, on top of having to do even more "urgent" work, I'm still trying to get my money for some of the work I have delivered. Having almost four months in the middle with little - one month with actually nothing at all - certainly hasn't helped and the reserves are now depleted.

So, all you good folk out there - buy my book for Christmas, buy lots of them for your friends as well!

Just kidding, although I hope that some of you will at least give my wliterary efforts a try. Now I'd better get back to the paid work. A report on a fire that happened four years ago and is now the subject of a major lawsuit. At least it pays the bills, but it really is a case of having to point out the blindingly obvious and defend the indefensible....

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 2, 2008 11:49 AM

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