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November 12, 2008
Plenty of exercise
With Mausi in Bad Somewhere or other on important matters and the Monk in Chester, posting may become a little erratic. The Mon is busy in a major hospital trying to do a survey of their fire safety - a mammoth task given that this hospital sprawls over a large chunk of land. So far the survey has taken over several weeks, though the Monk only came into the task last week.
Its one way of keeping fit he supposes - to walk several miles each day along corridors recording all the equipment and safety features on plans that sometimes don't quite match the actual building. Which means, of course, that he then has to redraw parts of the plan so the changes can be made on new drawings to be produced from his work. Still, no complaints, they feed him well, give him a room to sleep in and he has a good colleague to work with. They should be finished by next week sometime - just in time for the Monk to depart for Almaty - assuming his Visa has arrived while he's been in Chester.....
Ah well, it pays the bills.
Posted by The Gray Monk at November 12, 2008 10:40 PM
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