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November 25, 2008
Advent Calendar
Isn't it surprising how children can't wait to be considered grown up but at the same time cling fiercely to rituals established in their early childhood? Every year during the last week of November Mausi makes this experience with her nieces (13 and almost 15 years old by now).
Almost 15 years ago Mausi embroidered an Advent Calendar for her oldest niece. It's a winter landscape and 24 little rings were sewn into it to which little packages and parcels and be fastened. Mausi thought this calendar would probably keep the children amused until they went to school - but no, every year they are afraid Mausi might forget to send them a parcel with 24 little packages and ask their mother to give Mausi a hint, just in case...
Although Mausi has a lot of experience by now wrapping up the goodies always is a time consuming task
Ah well, isn't it good to know your troubles will be appreciated in the end?
Everything done and ready to go by snail mail tomorrow. Phew!
Posted by Mausi at November 25, 2008 07:06 PM
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