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January 08, 2008
Late night - long day
Just back from Edinburgh. An interesting flight - supposed to leave at 0830, but finally airborne at 0945 ....
Edinburgh surrounded by snow and rather wet. At least the meeting went well, once it got started - and the client is super happy because my report of my investigation of the fire which destroyed a rather expensive vehicle has resulted in the recovery of his loss ...
No admission of liability says the manufacturers rep ....
The flight home again was a rough ride - one disadvantage of travelling in the smaller form of commercial aircraft - this one Dash 8-400 with 42 of us crammed inside. The approach and landing at Birmingham was exciting to say the least. No wonder pilots say "any landing you can walk away from is a good landing." I think some of my fellow passengers will take the train next time.
And so to bed!
Posted by The Gray Monk at January 8, 2008 11:18 PM
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