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October 13, 2007
Congratulations and a Happy Birthday wish are in order ...
Yesterday got the great news from my son, currently in the US for a further course in flying helicopters, that he has passed his Commercial Pilot Licence for those great big lumps of metal with whirly things on top and at one end. You know the ones I mean - those things that aerodynamically should screw themselves into the ground, but for some inexplicable reason defy the laws of physics and actually become airborn.
Well done Nic, another ambition achieved, I hope it leads where you want to go.
And congratulations to my eldest daughter, The Postulant, who marks her birthday today. I won't embarrass her by revealing her age, suffice it to say that I can scarecly believe that I once held her in the palms of my two hands - and now she's a full grown and very striking young woman. I hope the year ahead brings you everything you could wish for my dear.
Posted by The Gray Monk at October 13, 2007 11:15 AM
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