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August 20, 2006
Stirring the pot ....
It seems that the writer of a post on the ConservativeHome blog that I linked too earlier, has stirred up something of a hew and cry. Judging by the comments I have received, ranging from simply informative to downright "serves the fascist scum right", over the suspension from his job of the writer of that post by his employers, I feel that he got a lot of what he was saying absolutely right. Curiously though, some of the comments logged in my e-mail have not come through to the "comments pending" in my MoveableType comments box - so I will have to try and do those commenters the justice of cutting and pasting their effort into either this post or the comments section under the post they left them for.
The left wing media have had a field day with this, quoting bits of his post out of context - as is their usual wont - in an effort to make them say something they do not when seen in context. One of the people "proudly" responsible for the present predicament of Mr Inigo Wilson is posting regular comments on the ConservativeHome defending the fact that he is responsible for bringing about Mr Wilson's suspension by organising a campaign to have him fired on a Web Forum devoted to the promotion of Islamic propaganda. This "gentleman" who refuses to give a name and signs his triumphalist comments as "Anonmouse", proclaims himself to be a "New" Conservative of the stamp that the new leader Mr David Cameron is trying to attract and labels Mr Wilson and his supporters as the type of person the Conservative Party no longer wants. Well, if he is truly a representative of the Conservatives - then I for one will never again vote Conservative! That leaves me asking whether or not Guy Fawkes is standing in the next election because I cannot, in conscience, vote for either of the other Parties.
Inigo Wilson's predicament is clear proof of the very point he was making. Read the comments and you will see what I mean. We no longer live in a free and fair society. It is no longer a democracy run by the majority for the benefit of all - it is now an oligarchy run by a small minority who abuse language and spin definitions to twsit and warp meaning to create offence. They dictate "morality" yet are themselves not prepared to debate the principles they propound as being the "only" point of view. Challenge them and you find yourself in Mr Wilson's position. Dare to express an opinion that runs counter to this twisted morality and you soon find yourself being accused of everything from public indecency to promoting racial hatred. Yet, by the twisted ideals of these anonymous moralists, it is OK to denigrate any Christian believers faith, it is OK to pour scorn on the concerns of any white male who wants to see his country back in the hands of sensible people, not those who hide behind weasel words, who refuse to acknowledge any point of view but their own - and who adopt the tactics of the Stasi when it suits their purpose. Anonmouse is the name of the boastful poster on ConservativeHome and he is exactly this sort of person - and the reason that I will never again vote Conservative. If they plan to provide a home for those who, in other times and lands would have rushed to join the Stasi they have no place in our society!
Anonmouse, if you should read this, I have a message for you. You and your friends on the Chat room you have the time to frequent and to organise campaigns in are no better than the thugs who populated the Gestapo, the KGB, the Stasi and all the other organisations set up by dictators to spy on the ordinary citizens. It is you and your ilk who have a real problem and who are the real promotoers of racial tension in our society, your "piety" to the cause makes you twist very expression of concern to something that you alone see in it!
For me the most disturbing thing in all of this brouhaha is the fact that so many patently bigoted and prejudiced people are the very ones who are leading the attack on Mr Wilson. It is their prejudice which more than anything else frightens me - since they claim that their prejudice is the new morality! God preserve us from the Prejudiced do-gooder, there is surely no more dangerous animal on earth!
Oh, and as far as I am concerned, the future isn't bright and it is certainly not, as far as mobile phones go - any colour between yellow and red on the spectrum!
Posted by The Gray Monk at August 20, 2006 09:16 AM
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