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August 19, 2006
A Beautiful Morning
During the last two weeks the summer seemed to have left us for good but it was back this morning: 20 degrees Celsius at 9 a.m., blue sky and lovely air. I like this early time of the day.
After the rain and cold and even fog we have had lately - made you think of November and contemplating if the central heating should be turned on again - this morning was a most welcome surprise. It sometimes takes very little to lift one's spirits.
If the berries of the Mountain Ash look as juicy as that in summer the winter is going to be a cold one - or so they say..
Mausi, the Cat, was in a buoyant mood, too. One of her favourite pastimes is worrying a branch of the tamarisk.
The tamarisk didn't seem to mind too much and good-naturedly joined in this morning's fun.
Posted by Mausi at August 19, 2006 03:05 PM
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Mausi is obviously enjoying her garden - and it looks very good too! If a hard winter is predicted I will start ensuring I have the right winter clothes now!
Posted by: The Gray Monk at August 19, 2006 03:55 PM