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April 16, 2006

Christ is risen

The traditional greeting on Easter morning is "Christ is risen!" and the reply, "He is risen indeed! Allelulia!" should be shouted with joy. It is the resurrection of Christ from the tomb in which the broken body of Jesus was laid which sets Christianity apart from other faiths. It is in the resurrection that we are all made sons and daughters of God.

Those who see Christ as a prophet in a line of prophets make a fundamental error. A prophet comes to proclaim the Word of God, Christ was that Word. As the "God Bearer" - Theotokos, the Greek title of Mary His mother - Mary stands as the ultimate "prophet", the one who bore the Word into this world. The man who died upon the cross on Golgotha was no ordinary man, He was the Word of God made flesh in order to show us the way of God and to reveal God to us. His empty tomb is for us the place of the birth of hope and life beyond this one - in Him we are all dead and born again in the resurrection. His coming into the world was the ultimate moment in human history, the fulfillment of God's revelation and the milestone against which all subsequent actions must be measured.

As St John says; "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of the one and only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

May I wish you all a happy and blessed Easter Feast.

Christ is risen; He is risen indeed - Allelulia!

Posted by The Gray Monk at April 16, 2006 06:45 AM

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