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December 07, 2004

Value centred culture?

The newspapers this week are running a wide variety of very interesting thoughts on the imposition of "values" onto our society. The Scotsman has a very strong lead on this, pointing out that it is no good Mr Blair bleating about "privacy" when his Party has stripped us all of our right to this most precious commodity through the imposition of a range of "values" which strip us of our right of personal choice. Any Minister who wishes to impose his "values" on me should expect to have mine imposed on him or her!

A further even more interesting twist is reported in the Times as the big players in the EU, France and Germany, and a whole raft of other EU nations have suddenly discovered that their Islam-friendly policies have fostered a real tiger in their midst. Even the normally tolerant Scandanavians are now introducing measures such as the exclusion of children from school if they insist on wearing the Hijab. As someone who is very keen to see fairness applied universally, I find this sad precisely because it is an assault on personal choice and freedom, yet it is increasingly necessary as the assault by radical Islam escalates into all aspects of Western life. The French, who established a Muslim Council to address the issue of integration, have discovered to their alarm that this forum has become increasingly fundamentalist. So much so they are having to rethink the whole issue. Recently a young woman was murdered in Marseilles for not kowtowing to the demands of some young Islamic men, and there have been marches of demonstrators - mainly Mulsim women - demanding an end to the radicalisation of their faith and its use as a political tool which binds them to the ghetto.

The Germans are also alarmed at the fact that the Mullahs serving the mosques in German towns are increasingly drawn from non-German speaking clergy. They have taken to monitoring these and others and recently recorded a sermon which described the German people as worthless non-Muslims destined for hell. Well, there are limits as to what any host community will tolerate from people who seek refuge in their country and then proceed to attack and abuse their culture. Western Europe is now host to a very large number of Islamic refugees from poverty stricken Islamic countries and has failed, signally, to address the issue of integration. In pursuit of the multi-cultural ideal, they have failed to realise that all this does is re-inforce stereotypes, perpetuate the ghetto, and lock people into a cycle which re-inforces poverty and prevents escape. Why, as Ozguru recently asked in a comment on this blog, do we need to pander to people who come to a new country seeking escape from the poverty or persecution they experienced in their own - and then have them try to impose the same corrupt and debilitating system that holds their original society in thrall to poverty?

This is the question now being raised across the channel. Western Europe is a Christian Liberal society and it is discovering that the Islamic onslaught is far from benign and very far from intending to integrate. As one German Minister put it on a recent interview, the Islamist agenda is to destroy the liberal and Christian traditions of Europe. No wonder the alarm in the EU capitals. A little late, but, I suppose, better late than not at all.

So is our wonderful Labour Party actually taking note of this? Probably not; after all, their stock in trade for the last 20 years has been to create a wonderland fantasy island of rainbow culture. They are hardly likely to abandon it now. So, the Islamic extremists will continue to thrive here, and Blunkett's new laws against "stirring up religious hatred" - designed to protect Islam from us nasty Christians - will make it illegal to even discuss the issues.

Value centred culture? Well, as long as it's in line with what our Illustrious Leader and his cronies consider to be modern "values" - incompetence, ignorance, nannied obedience, anti-family, filandering, anti-privilege, anti-ambition, anti-achievement, and anti-British, it will be allowed. Anything else is Verboten!

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 7, 2004 11:01 AM


More to the point, why not just say that Labour doesn't have any values at all, just laissez-faire!

Posted by: MommaBear at December 7, 2004 02:46 PM

Laissez-faire? If only they would - no; they count among their "values" treason, greed, vandalism, ignorance and malicious damage. Also the absence of excellence, idleness and incompetence. These are the things they are imposing through their abuse of our democracy - in fact it goes beyond abuse now - the nation is being raped.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at December 9, 2004 07:44 AM