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December 06, 2004
Another triumph for the anti-discipline brigade!
Imagine what it is like to be an 11 year old girl who has survived a brain tumour, radiation, and chemo-therapy. Your hair falls out and takes years to grow back, your confidence is severely damaged as your face is affected by the damage to nerves and muscles, but, finally, you have the courage and the strength to return to school after a four year break.
And then some obscene 14 year-old out of control bully sets fire to your hair!
OK, so the police arrested the little swine, but the magistrates have bailed him. Stand by for the usual angry bleating from his parents that he isn't a bad child - just misunderstood. Any bets on his never having had any discipline at home? Any bets on his parents never having even attempted to control him or teach him respect for others? Any bets they vote Labour and live on all the benefits they can get? No, probably not on that last one - they live in Swansea! William Hill or Coral only take bets where the house percentage is in their favour!
The charge against this absolute brute - words fail the Monk to describe exactly what he thinks of people like this - is Assault. If found guilty - and the magistrates are likely to be under pressure from Social Workers and Labour Civic Leaders here - he is likely to walk away having been made to , grudgingly, apologise to his victim! Apologise? For endangering her recovery? For causing her further harm and perhaps even causing irreparable psychological harm?
The little swine should be publicly birched! And his parents pilloried alongside him! As for the anti-smacking, anti-discipline, and anti-families creeps - they should be shut away in the grimmest possible institution and displayed to the public on special occassions as a warning to any others with ambitions to tinker with the glue of our society!
Posted by The Gray Monk at December 6, 2004 09:14 AM
On OTTH the quotations rotate around at random on the header. How appropriate the one this morning was:"Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent." Adam Smith
Posted by: MommaBear at December 6, 2004 11:02 AM