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November 04, 2004

The shouting and the tumult dies ...

So the US Presidential election is over. Phew! But, to see the headlines in the Left/Liberal UK Press this morning, anyone would be excused for thinking that either the end of the world has come, or our Third Estate representatives have set out to cause the maximum offence to our American cousins - or they are running afraid that a right wing backlash could happen here and destroy their cosy little vision of a Marxist Utopia.

So why, particularly in the British Press, is there this level of fear as a result of the re-election of one GWB as President of the USA? Why, indeed, have the big names of Hollywood risen in an almost hysterical chorus of breastbeating, sackclothe and ashes wearing? Why have we been subjected to a torrent of misinformation about how Bush is being driven by a supposedly unholy alliance of deep South Bible Belt fundamentalists who are about to ban sex, porn, gays, and everything the liberal-left thinks is the new morality? Is it that they are afraid he might? Or is it that they are actually terrified that their view is not the vision of the majority of voters - the vast majority of whom may well consider themselves nominally Christian - but never darken a church door with their presence except for "hatches, matches, and despatches" as my good friend and ex-services Chief Chaplain, the Venomous Peter, delights in describing occassional attenders?

The truth is that there is a great deal of fear among the Liberal-Left who know very well that deep down the voters of all nations know that they have been conned, that they have been mislead and abused by the Liberal-Left in their pursuit of power. The only reason most of us have tolerated this and not reached for bombs, guns, and other weapons to destroy their cosy little world, is that, for the most part, we are able to get along without too much hassle despite their efforts. That is now rapidly changing as they impose more restrictions, more and more of their "politically correct" claptrap, and erode our freedom and our democracy.

I was appalled to see newspaper articles on my recent South African trip referring to Bush having "stolen" the election in 2000. How the blazes does this appalling piece of garbage have such credence with the supporters of the Liberal-Left? How, indeed, does one "steal" an election? And, I note that there was no mention of the many thousands of postal ballots the Democrat controlled electoral machinery in several States "lost". Nor of the fact that the US Supreme Court itself finally ruled that the Democrat controlled Florida Supreme Court was actually in breach of the State's own Constitution. No, I don't buy that "stolen" election - at least this time round they can't try that one on! A fascinating insight into the minds of the Liberal-Left during this week was the blockading of certain blogs by supporters of the Democrats. An interesting abuse of freedom of speech in the land of the supposedly free! Certainly an interesting example of the determination among the supporters of the Liberal-Left to ensure that the other party's side of the story is not heard. This is classic Marxist/Leninist activity. Perhaps it also reveals a great deal about the real agenda of the Liberal-Left!

Something else the Liberal-Left needs to consider very carefully - especially here in Britian - is that Hitler and Mussolini rose to power on the tidal wave of fear generated by the antics of the "Liberals" running the Weimar Republic (and several other European states) and the complete collapse of morality, the rising tide of militant Marxist/Communist activity in Trades Unions, political activism, and the general disillusionment with the political elite then in power. Today in the UK we see the continued rise of such aberrations as the British National Party - a neo-Fascist organisation - and its growing support among particularly younger voters. This is the natural reaction of anyone who feels that his or her place in the sun is threatened by the rise of some other party, individual, or group that excludes them. It is also the natural reaction to the imposition of change with which the non-subscriber is uncomfortable.

This is what the Liberal-Left Press is afraid of. This is what the Liberal-Left elite in Parliament, in the Civil Service, and in the privileged homes of Islington, Wandsworth, Hammersmith, and Westminster are terrified of. George W Bush is portrayed as a dangerous cowboy, a fundamentalist worse than the lunatics in Iraq who cut off peoples heads with blunt knives - and the American electorate is portrayed - ably assisted by the Democrats who engage in spreading the "stolen election" canard - as ignorant, Bible bashing, red-necked, gun-toting, and reactionary. Telling, is it not, that our much esteemed Prime Minister's wife actually dared to deliver a pro-Kerry, anti-Bush speech at Harvard on the eve of the election? And today her puppet of a husband is mouthing his support and admiration for President Bush. Doesn't it make you want to throw up? It should! It is time to call these idiots to account - before they precipitate a violent reaction to themselves!

Fear drives many things; there are few things more ugly than a so-called Liberal defending their Utopian vision of an electorate dependent upon them for health care, education, income, and housing. A vision in which they have complete control over what you may say, think, or do. A vision in which men are portrayed as serial rapists, child abusers, and violent aggressors. A vision in which personal freedom must be restricted for the "greater good".

The torrent of abuse against GWB and the American electorate stinks of fear. Fear that the public have rumbled them and they may be next!

Posted by The Gray Monk at November 4, 2004 09:36 AM


Oh dear. I suspect that your recent trip to the southern hemisphere has affected your perceptions. Are you really glad that a Warmonger has been re-elected? You rant on about the 'level of fear' and the 'liberal left' and being 'conned'. Have you forgotten the lies that the Chimp-in-Chief and his pal Tory Bliar (liberal lefty? You must be joking!) spun out to the people they're supposed to represent, to justify their illegal war? Let me remind you of the 3 principal objectives this war was supposed to achieve:

1. To combat global terrorism - it would appear that the world is an even more dangerous place since this 'Crusade' began!

2. To find and destroy the weapons of mass destruction. We now know that they do not exist.

3. The removal of an evil tyrant. That was never in doubt, and I think most people are glad that Saddam is gone.

Now, having digested the above, was it worth all the thousands of lives that have been lost over the last 18 months? Bush and Blair have blood on their hands, which makes them just as bad as the terrorists they are fighting. Only yesterday, 3 members of the Black Watch lost their lives. I hope you are praying for their souls.

Posted by: Slim Jim at November 5, 2004 10:15 AM

There is always a risk in going to war, that the final outcome may not be quite as you wished. My point here is that Partisan Politics aside, the American electorate have decided they do not wish to change horses and have elected their President. It is not for us to question their judgement, especially as we are consistently misinformed by our own media. As to Blair's political position; what colour is the chameleon?

We may have reservations as to the existence of the WMD and of the efficacy of the war on terrorism, but we are now involved and, having started, must see it through to the end. To withdraw now and hand it over to the Ayatollahs and their murderous followers would be to make the situation even worse. These murderous monsters will not go away just because we withdraw, they will simply consolidate and then extend their operations into other countries - including our own.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at November 5, 2004 12:21 PM

Of course we can question the judgement of the American people, just as we question the judgement of our political leaders! Bush & Blair made a monumental error by going it alone without the support of the UN. The problem I have is that the 'projection principle' of pre-emptive strikes is extremely dangerous, and that's why the rest of the world is holding its breath. Who is going to be next? Mugabe? Kim Jong Il? No, there's not enough oil in those countries. Also, this mess has led to dangerous tinkering with long-held legal principles; Guantanamo Bay & Belmarsh for example. Very few of the detainees have been found guilty of any offence. Meanwhile, Bin Laden and his cronies are still at large! Don't get me wrong - I am not condoning terrorism, but the West must address the root causes of disaffection in the world, and resolve them by non-military means. Do we really want another Vietnam? Also, I'm sure you object to the cynical use of the Black Watch for political purposes, especially as they will be lost soon due to defence cuts. As usual, the cuts are being made at the wrong end of the food chain....

Posted by: Slim Jim at November 5, 2004 12:52 PM

Slim Jim, you fear too much and panic too easily.

Use reason more, question motives less, and give it time. It will work out to everyone's benefit as long as the will to win remains.

Posted by: Nomennovum at November 5, 2004 08:10 PM

It is all rather telling that the Left of the US and the world, after being defeated by a majority of those most accurately describes as the "common folk" are currently denigrating them so vilely. Where is their 'solidarity' with the working class? Their much ballyhooed 'compassion'?

Of course. Discard your stated principles when your servants don't obey. Lash out. I have pity for these positions, not empathy.

There is a way to view this outcome without such chicanery and it is both natural and healthy [though I suspect European readers may find it disquieting].

Those who hold America in contempt for its lack of refinement should re-think this conclusion. Western Civilisation, from its founding on Christmas Day 800 AD, when Charlemagne accepted the crown of the revived Roman Empire, has ever formed its important institutions in response to external threat.

The Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages arose in response to the incursions of Arabs in the south, Vikings in the north, and Magyars in the West. That has never changed. One need only survey history: WWII, the Cold War, all of it. We are part of that tradition and perhaps- alarmingly- the keepers of it, now.

Boorish as the US might seem, it is an anti-empire populated by a reluctant people who want nothing more than to work, till their fields and mind their homes. Under pressure, though, it will respond with a fierceness and cohesion that will surprise its adversaries. And this is the same as it has ever been in the West. On our side of the ocean many ask: "Why is it not so in Europe?"

The fact that Europe, by and large, cannot unify in the face of an external threat poses a difficulty: Are they on the sidelines, now, of Western Civilisation? Have they weakened themselves so much? We are, indeed, taking a lesson from you, but not what you would have us learn.

For now, we have repudiated our Left. We have not banished them to any dustbins of history. It will become time, eventually, to re-visit them- but they are not up to the tasks of the present day.

Posted by: urthshu at November 5, 2004 09:13 PM