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November 05, 2004
In memoriam
Today spare a thought for the late Guy (Guido) Fawkes. A Yorkshire-born Catholic, educated at the grammar school in the City of York which to this day does not mark "Bonfire Night" and even has a statue of him outside. A man who fervently believed in the cause of the restoration of Catholicism in England, he was the original terrorist and suicide bomber, as he volunteered to set off the charge laid under the Palace of Westminster.
We may not approve of his method, but he should surely be remembered for all time as the last man to enter any parliament with absolutely honest intentions!
Thanks to the corruption of those inside the House then, a large quantity of gunpowder was easily got into the cellars beneath Parliament in preparation for the visit of King James 1 (and 6th of Scotland!). Had it worked, King and Members would have "gone in a flash!" Some might say that it was the equally corrupt intentions of those supposedly supporting him that made inevitable the betrayal of the plot by one of the plotters - for reward. We can see that not a lot has changed! I suppose it is entirely appropriate that our Members Parasitic have just voted themselves another fat increase in their "expenses" (Read Slush Funds!), a fitting way to rub our noses in the fact that Guy Fawkes failed to make an impact.
Even better is the story that, having had 6,000 special Visitor Passes made for issue to suitably screened and disarmed Visitors to the Houses of Parliament - 3,000 have already gone missing - and some are being offered on e-Bay!
Come back Mr Fawkes, all is forgiven.
Posted by The Gray Monk at November 5, 2004 08:18 AM
Yes, it is absolutely incredible that our Dishonourable Members have voted themselves increases, especially since they were allegedly 'embarrassed' by the recent revelations! That just proves the contempt they hold for us mere mortals. There is an interesting article in today's Times that you may wish to peruse - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,174-1345098,00.html. You are understandably concerned about the way we have come to 'celebrate' Halloween, but at least Guy Fawkes night has not been corrupted by the Yanks!
Posted by: Slim Jim at November 5, 2004 02:26 PM