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October 31, 2004

The White Plague returns ....

Tuberculosis is a scourge which, in the usual arrogance of this country, was supposed to have been stamped out years ago. Only it wasn't. Then they stopped innoculating people against it - and then they opened the floodgates of immigration to countries where the disease is almost as big a killer as HIV/Aids! Oh, and you can't have screening - it might infringe someones "Human Rights". So now the plague returns - and the last stage is worse than the first!

Abuse of anti-biotics over the years has produced a number of resistant bacteria - the most well known being the hospital superbug MRSA (Methycillin Resistant Staphlococul Aureus) - but now we also have a TB strain that is resistant to most anti-biotics, and it is very easily communicated! You can catch it sitting next to someone on the Tube or the Bus. No innoculation, no screening, easily transmitted infection. How long before we find ourselves faced with a runaway epidemic?

No point in looking to Blair and the Whitehall Wankers to do anything about it; it would upset the PM's wife and her partnership making millions out of Human Rights no end for starters! This is going to be a political football, and we needn't think that our politicians or Civil Servants will be willing to deal with it. Nope, in fact, Blunket is much more likely to hand the problem over to Brussels - by simply abrogating responsibility for control of our borders to the EU.

Let's hope the medics can get a grip on this - and on the idiots in Whitehall - before it really gets away from us!

Posted by The Gray Monk at October 31, 2004 08:45 AM