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October 30, 2004

The United States of Europe

Mr Blair has sold the United Kingdom straight into oblivion. This week he signed the new European Constitution, bleating happily that it "strengthened" democracy and the Nation States. I begin to think that this cretin is incapable of reading, because the "constitution" does no such thing - it is the death knell of them all.

The Constitution imposes among other things, "Common taxation", "Common defence forces", a "national" anthem, a "national" currency, a charter or rights that makes a mockery of justice, the economy, and of anyone's ability to direct a company. It even gives the armed forces, the police, and other emergency workers the right to strike. The English Criminal Justice system, 1,100 years in the making, will be one of the first victims as the constitution imposes the European model, and English and Scottish Law will shortly be subject to challenge in European Courts as being contrary to the principles of EU Justice.

NATO is a goner under this, but then, that has been a French ambition from the start. A pity our idiot Prime Minister hasn't the guts or the intelligence to see it. Any hope of the UK remianing a "power" under this is simply wishful thinking, we are out-voted and out-numbered in every sphere, and once our economy is under Brussels control, we will soon be a backward backwater, grateful for any crumbs the French and the Germans care to allow us.

I am not a "Little Englander", I am proud to be British, and very proud of my family heritage which includes Anglo Saxon, Norman, Celtic and Danish - we even have some German connections, but I am not and will never consider myself a European. In fact I am an African Anglo-Saxon Norman Hibernian Englishman - because I live and work in England but was born in Africa of British parents. I rejoice in having English, Irish, Welsh, and Scottish blood in my veins and almost 600 years of recorded antecedents in this country. As a family we have served the Crown for almost all of that. Yes Mr Blair - the Crown - not the usurpers like yourself who have at various times brought calamity to the world in much the same way you are doing in Iraq today!

The one saving grace in all of this is that the government MUST hold a referendum on the acceptance of this piece of treason. If any country rejects it, the whole sorry mess fails. Mr Blair and his traitorous chums are hoping, no doubt, that either they can avoid this - by including it in their manifesto at the next election - or that someone else will reject it and thus save their bacon for them. In the meantime, our armed forces are being reduced to a rump in preparation to being handed over to Europe, our Navy has already been all but scrapped, and our place on the UN Security Council (unlike France's, you will notice) is about to be given up to the European Council.

We will have to watch this party of closet communists, fascists, traitors, and gerrymanderers very, very carefully in the coming months. They simply cannot be trusted. I am prepared to bet that Blair will try to slip something into his party manifesto so that he can claim, if re-elected, that the voters endorsed this piece of calumny. We must call his bluff!

Posted by The Gray Monk at October 30, 2004 08:26 AM


Man losing a seat in the UN security council sucks. I bet teh EU puts a French man in it.

Posted by: skipjack at October 31, 2004 07:32 AM