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May 02, 2004

Well said, Sirs!

Whilst the Monk and that persnickety Madam le Cat are away in transit, the Church Mouse decided to play here on the blog. She has her very own wee computer, but, up to now, has been quite content to stay behind the scenes, tidying up and such. She regularly scampers up and down the Blogdom, though, enjoying the varied fare to be found, and just could not resist telling you all about two little goodies she found in her perigrinations.

CM does NOT like anything that smacks of 'state control'. She is quite capable of taking care of things, herself, thank you very much. Now comes "the state" marking up the 'serfs' for identification! And promising to punish those who, for all the right reasons, do not wish to be tagged, tattooed, labeled, imprinted, stamped, or otherwise designated as 'owned by'.

More of the same from this fine gentleman, who has a knowledgeable imagination of future usages.

Fie on 'the state' and all who pretend to work for it !!

Posted by The Gray Monk at May 2, 2004 01:02 AM

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Well gotta get used to a standard globalized system before the real mark comes out now don't we?

Posted by: IXLNXS at May 3, 2004 12:47 AM

Well, that comment certainly doesn't seem to follow on the gist of this post, does it?!

Posted by: MommaBear at May 3, 2004 01:33 AM

"Over here on this side of the pond (Canada) our MPs are moving just as hard and fast to tag us all like cattle."

that from the first link.

the second deals in hypotheticals.

My comment may have been a bit obtuse.

Christian doctrine of revelations speaks of a global mark. My comment was intended as wry humor that this is the sign of the end times.

Posted by: IXLNXS at May 4, 2004 11:46 PM