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May 01, 2004

Peeking round the column.....

The Abbey is such a wonderful place to live...so full of love and caring...and history, too. Yours Truly, Church Mouse, feels welcome there. She's never seen by most, but she goes about her appointed rounds at night when all is still, defending her Abbey from those who would bring harm or discord to the sanctuary and peace found there.

For the most part, CM will be content to do her assigned tasks for this blog behind the scenes, as it were, but she may, from time to time, have a wee bit of her own wisdom to share, too. Since the Monk is off-line for several days due to his moving, it appears that may well be happening in short order. CM will endeavour to keep you informed and entertained and enlightened as best she can when called upon to "appear in print".

Posted by The Gray Monk at May 1, 2004 01:03 AM


god loved a man who didnt preach Christian principles, but instead preached inclusian.


Posted by: IXLNXS at May 1, 2004 06:39 AM

Now there's a non-sequitor, [up above] if MB ever saw one!

Welcome to your Front Page, Church Mouse. The blogdom needs more critters and fewer fools.

Posted by: MommaBear at May 1, 2004 10:21 AM