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April 28, 2004

We are not amused .....


With packing now well advanced, Madam le Cat is getting very unsettled. Every time I sit down, she comes rushing over to talk to me about it all - long conversations ensue with both of us trying to convey our intentions and feelings about it all. Anyone witnessing these would be convinced that white-coated men of the burly persuasion might be required at some point.

Madam's latest is to intercept me as soon as I am on the phone. Then she sits on the arm of the chair and demands attention, insisting on inspecting the phone and voicing her opinion of the whole affair. It is pretty traumatic for her, and I can well understand her feelings about this, but it does have an amusing side; she now seeks me out wherever I sit down and insists on being in the same room.

She will visit the vet for a few days; he and his staff know her and are quite fond of her, so it is safer leaving her there while all our stuff is in transit between Wednesday and Saturday. On Saturday evening she will be retrieved and taken to the new (and by then hopefully partially settled!) home. Unfortunately she will now have to become an "indoor" cat, as there is no garden and the roads are very busy. That said, I am reasonably confident that she will be settled down with the right encouragement and soon adapt.

Several people have offered to take her in, but she has made it very plain that she does not approve of them or the cats they already have. Given the legendary independence of these creatures, I am finding it rather interesting to find her "clinging" to me in this way. At the age of 12 she is becoming very affectionate and very determined in her efforts to ensure that her food provider doesn't escape!

Between us, I think we make a pretty odd couple; but, hey, as long as we're happy, who cares! Just don't ask Her Ladyship to be amused about moving!

Posted by The Gray Monk at April 28, 2004 01:48 AM