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April 29, 2004
An outbreak of sense?
I begin to warm to Trevor Phillips - Chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality - and that really is saying something. Following up on his condemnation of the concept of "multi-culturalism", we have another swipe from him at the politically correct liberal fraternity who seek to excuse everything from wife beating to murder - if it involves anyone from an "ethnic" background (does anyone else find that term as offensive as I do?) - on the grounds that it might be "racist" to intervene or to say anything. Included in his broadside was the Chief Constable in Wales who has addressed a meeting of the Black Police Officers Association in "rap".
There are several issues here. Firstly, I find it offensive that there are now "special interest" groups in many spheres of work and society which are exclusively for "gays", women, ethnic minorities, and people with special needs, yet I am forbidden, as a white male, to have anything that is exclusively for white males! "Gentlemen's Clubs" are now compelled to accept members of both sexes; fine, but why are "Ladies Clubs" allowed to stay exclusive? Why does my trade union have "special interest" groups for certain members, yet will not allow that a white male may be bullied, racially or sexually discriminated against,or excluded from forming any sort of exclusive association?
Mr Phillips is absolutely right; if we want to have an integrated society in which we are all proud to be British, we must stop this ridiculous pandering to politically correct concepts which are fostering divisions and creating a new and insidious form of apartheid. This is something that is playing right into the hands of extremists such as the BNP and M'sieu le Pen and his French Nationalists.
Something else our gutless politicians must get tough on is the fascist scum who take it upon themselves to impose their right to protest, all the while preventing the voicing of any opposing view to their own. The scenes of violence as M. le Pen, whose views on society I find abhorrent as well, left his meeting with the protesters provided the BNP with more than ample excuse for their attitudes in the torrent of assault and violent threat to their "enemy". What the hell happened to freedom of speech? What happened to the right of anyone to hold an opposing view to mine? What makes this left wing scum any different to the BNP and its supposedly right wing scum?
Peaceful protest is one thing; violence to enforce one's view upon opponents is quite another matter and is intolerable in any society - particularly one which claims to be tolerant!
It is time to look again at this cesspit created by well-meaning but frankly practically inept flock of cooing and strutting moralising harpies. Their concept of a society of culturally pure and separate groups is a nonsense. Their idea that you should not criticise the unacceptable actions of any "oppressed" minority within our society is equally spurious. If we are to create an integrated and equal society it needs the disparate groups to be open and honest at all levels and at all times. This cannot happen in a society which separates and enshrines a system of "superior" rights for any one group over another. We cannot afford to adopt any of the well meant, but frankly disasterously divisive, programmes of "affirmative action" or "preferential selection" - this is what apartheid did in South Africa, and it is as unacceptable now and here as it was then and there.
Mr Phillips is making sense; let us hope that he is heard loud and clear and that his common sense is not derided by the PC industry - whose main interest now seems to be to preserve their own positions of influence and power at any cost rather than the creation of fair and just societies.
Posted by The Gray Monk at April 29, 2004 01:13 AM