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March 29, 2004
Well, it's worth the effort ....
Found this on G'day Mate and gave it a whirl. I guess Oz and I will have plenty of time to catch up on all that's happened while we figure out our next move ...
Are you damned?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Oh well, you can only do your best - and I guess the ultimate goal is worth every minute of it ...
At least I'll probably be among lots of friends!
Posted by The Gray Monk at March 29, 2004 04:41 PM
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» Surviving with My Calvinism Intact from Reverend Mike's House of Homiletic Hash
So glad to know that the perseverence of the saints remains sure:Pure as the driven snow, you are waiting until the afterlife for your reward. Maybe you have had to repress some urges, screw down some feelings, squash some temptations... [Read More]
Tracked on March 29, 2004 06:55 PM
» Surviving with My Calvinism Intact from Reverend Mike's House of Homiletic Hash
So glad to know that the perseverence of the saints remains sure:Pure as the driven snow, you are waiting until the afterlife for your reward. Maybe you have had to repress some urges, screw down some feelings, squash some temptations... [Read More]
Tracked on March 29, 2004 09:14 PM
» Who'd-a Thunk It? from Sketches of Strain-All the Way From A to B and Back Again
I thought I'd be damned for sure. Instead, when I die, I'm going to Viking Heaven. Are you damned?Brought to you by Rum and Monkey Quiz spied over at Gray Monk's place. DF... [Read More]
Tracked on March 29, 2004 10:25 PM
And it is a lot better than most of the alternatives ;-)
Posted by: Ozguru at March 29, 2004 08:44 PM
Not really about this post, but the comments were closed on the relevant one. Oh well.
Thanks for the interesting blog, but thanks more than doubled for your "Day Job".
Have a look at what we went through in Canberra in January last year.
Or have a look at some of the pics on my blog.
Preparing to combat a Firestorm with nothing but woollen clothes and a garden hose - and having elderly people in houses nearby who couldn't be evacuated quickly - is not something I'd like to do again. We only got a few spotfires in our suburb though, but visibility was down to 200 metres or so for over a month afterwards due to smoke.
Now you know why I'll always be greatful for Firefighters everywhere, regardless of their nationality. Ta mate.
Posted by: Alan E Brain at March 30, 2004 04:32 AM
I did the quiz because I sort of like the picture and wanted to see what else they had but I ended up with the same result.
Posted by: Lynn S at April 1, 2004 03:51 AM