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March 16, 2004
A Spanish response
I am not surprised that the Spanish people have reacted the way they have, their links with the ideals and ambitions of the US and her allies have always been somewhat strained. It is a pity though, that they think that sticking up signs saying "we're neutral!" will get them off the al Qaeda list of targets.
Now that they have proved themselves receptive to the coercion exerted by strategic bombing at elections, we can expect it to happen again, this time, probably somewhere like France. This has always been the tactic, pick them off one by one, and of course the appeasers keep on whinging and bleating that it really isn't them. Adrian Warnock has a few very pertinent things to say on this score and its worth visiting his post.
This highlights the problem with media influence and the twisted slant that can occur. I would suggest that most people now believe that the risk of attack by al Qaeda is now higher in Britain than before Iraq, yet is this really the case? I sat through a bit of abyssmal blather while eating supper and watching the Channel 4 news last night in which some self righteous twit blathered on about "international law" and "illegal" action - his qualification? He makes movies. During his entirely self gratifying little rant he managed to say at intervals of about every third sentence that "a majority" were opposed to the war in Iraq. Pardon me? Who ever actually asked them? Did we vote on this? I must have missed it.
I do know that it is the dangerous idiocy of people like this who think that if I don't carry a big stick, you won't, if I don't offer to defend myself, you won't attack me, that leads to the sort of horror that sparked the second World War. Invasion of the Rhineland, invasion of Czechoslovakia, invasion of Poland, Denmark, Norway, and so on. The appeasers let Japan massacre and murder its way through Manchuria and into China - and then were surprised when it fell on the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Terrorism is not something you can appease. Ask the Republic of Ireland, whose Provisional IRA is behind almost all the drug rackets and the organised crime. Terrorism is something all the civilised nations must be prepared to tackle head on and defeat utterly, or surrender supinely to the demands that these men of evil will unleash upon us. The choice is quite straight forward, defend yourself, don't give way and be prepared to deal with them as harshly as their crimes demand.
I don't know who the twerp was on the News last night, I do know that he won't be there to face the music when his buddies in al Qaeda and its linked organisations have to be tackled face to face - he'll be one of those hiding under the table and bleating about the inability of the armed services to defend him.
As for the new Spanish Government, well, I wish them luck, they'll need it in the longer run of things. Pulling out and slagging off their allies certainly won't get them off al Qaeda's hit list and it won't encourage the rest of us to go to their aid either.
Posted by The Gray Monk at March 16, 2004 03:32 PM
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Appeasement is a strategy that has been employed throughout history by weaker nations facing destruction by stronger nations. Animals do this frequently and signify their inability to cope by rolling on their backs with their throats exposed. Unfortuna... [Read More]
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