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February 18, 2004
Quotable quotes
"Sir, I have found you an argument. I am not obliged to find you an understanding." Dr Samuel Johnson, Lexicographer
"It is the error of many, to mistake the echo of the London Coffee House, for the voice of the nation." The Very Reverend Dr Jonathon Swift, Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin 1745
"Fabricate diem, Punc" - motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch
"Congratulations. Twice a knight and at your age too." Signal from CinC Eastern Fleet, Admiral Sir James Somerville, to CinC Mediteranean Fleet, Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham upon the award of a second Order of Knighthood.
"Congratulations on the repayment of a twenty five year old debt." - signal from Vice Admiral commanding Force H to CinC Mediteranean Fleet after the Taranto raid by aircraft from the fleet.
"Thank you, but so far only on one cheek." Reply from Sir Andrew Cunningham, a reference to his having been embarassed twenty five years earlier by Italian CinC Admiral Iachino's kissing him on both cheeks at Cunningham's wedding aboard his own ship.
"Madam, you are ugly. In the morning I will be sober!" Sir Winston Churchill to a society lady who had accused him of being drunk. (He probably was!)
"Mr Speaker, the Honourable Member for XXXXX, is being extremely economical with the truth in this matter!" Sir Winston again during a debate in the House of Commons - accusing another member of lying.
"Nil mortifii, sine lucre". - Motto of the Guild of Assassins, Ankh-Morpork
"Nunc id vides, Nunc ne vides" - motto of the Unseen University, Ankh-Morpork aluminus of the Discworlds Wizarding Fraternity.
and one for the educationally challenged in the Latin department ....
"Sodomy non sapiens!"
and finally, another signal from the Royal Navy's signal logs.
"Who knocked that lighthouse down and why?" signal from the Fleet Gunnery Commander during a shore bombardment. (Lighthouses were regarded as non-targets - they were too useful as aiming marks!)
Posted by The Gray Monk at February 18, 2004 11:48 PM
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» Quote of the Day from All AgitProp, all the Time...
(Courtesy of Pat) "Congratulations. Twice a knight and at your age too." - Signal from CinC Eastern Fleet, Admiral Sir [Read More]
Tracked on February 19, 2004 08:21 PM
LOL, quality stuff, Pat.
Posted by: Paul Jané at February 19, 2004 08:12 PM
Proof that the old one's are still the best!
Posted by: The Gray Monk at February 19, 2004 11:20 PM