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January 07, 2009

Big freeze ....

Yesterday was pretty cold here in Tewkesbury, but last night was the coldest I've seen for some time - at minus 9*C it was time to get the thermals out! Driving was tricky as several water pipes have burst and my own road is a sheet of ice at present. And now its trying hard to snow again .....

Still, tomorrow will be marginally warmer so the weather men say, a balmy 2*C with a drop to minus 4*C for the night. Trouble is that I have to drive to a place through a route notoriously tricky in snow or extreme weather. Should be interesting at any rate, but perhaps an early start is indicated. At least today has been spent indoors, though wading through trying to get a big report written instead of what I would like to have been doing which is some creative writing or even some painting - something I haven't indulged for a while now!

Sigh, back to the paying work for now ......

Posted by The Gray Monk at January 7, 2009 05:18 PM

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