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December 21, 2008

Christmas rush ....

Yesterday sort of vanished I think. I had a lot to do, like get in some last minute Christmas presents, wrap those I already had ready and then get to Redditch to meet my son so the family ones could get to London. In between there have been things to do at the Abbey and those last minute things to fix and in between phone calls and things to arrange for when I get back from Germany.

The next few days are going to be a little fraught, probably not helped a lot by my being short of sleep at present. Certainly I can blame last night's sleep shortage on two cups of good coffee and then a long-ish drive home. Here's a puzzle though - all along the M5 South I was getting warning of the fact that the M4 was closed Eastbound between Junctions 14 and 13. No indication of why, nothing on the news and nothing on the radio. So what did it? As I left the M5 at Junction 9, I guess I'll never know either.

Tonight is the Abbey Nine Lessons and Carols and we expect it will be well attended. As usual the Choir and the music will be superb - so now all I have to do is stay awake!

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 21, 2008 01:58 PM

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