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December 06, 2008

Christmas Fayre

Today we had the Christmas Fayre in the Abbey - and I do mean "in". The nave was cleared of chairs and we had stalls filling the main nave and the North Aisle. We had pie sellers, jewellers, wood carvers, teas, coffees, cakes, face painters and even a Cashmerey carpet seller. In between we had singers, musicians and entertainers and a great time was had by all.

For me the highlights were the two "challenges" the Church Wardens gave the Director of Music - Carleton. He accomplished the first without rehearsal or preparation - a feat in itself - and played Jaques Lemman's "Fanfare" on the Milton Organ to the amazement of the crowd who gathered below the organ loft to watch him play. Later he accepted another challenge from my fellow Church Warden to play "Liberty Bell", the famous Sousa March and Monty Python theme tune on the Grove Organ. Now that was something to be heard - and the crowd that gathered to watch that was something else.

Its been a good day - but a long and tiring one. But "Liberty Bell" and the sound of the Grove thundering its stuff through it will echo in my head all night I'm thinking.

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 6, 2008 10:05 PM

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