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December 18, 2008

Book sales

The enemy is within seems to be selling steadily according to the publisher. A steady trickle of orders is coming through for it and I hope this will continue. I get the feeling that the interview on Cool Scfi has helped and certainly the marketing being done by the Hallmark Press team must be having an impact.

Well, it may not be mega-sales or mega-money, but it's certainly worth the effort if people are buying it and enjoying it. Hopefully some of the sales will flow back and pick up Out of Time as well, but we shall have to wait and see - or at least, I will! For a bit of fun too, you can visit Residential Aliens and pick up four short stories all related to the adventures of Harry and Ferghal there - three of them free!

And thanks to all of you who have bought the books.

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 18, 2008 09:16 PM

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