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November 03, 2008

The Dawkins Delusion

A commenter left a link to a very funny reworking of Gilbert and Sullivan's famous "patter" song, "I am the very model of a modern Major-General" and it is worth dropping by to have a read of it. The Emerson Avenger has obviously taken about as much of this pompous git's insulting our intellect and our faith as I have.

I do like his riposte though!

Posted by The Gray Monk at November 3, 2008 10:04 PM

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Indeed I have, anyone interested in seeing what else I may have to say about that pompous ASS* Richard Dawkins need only Google -

"Robin Edgar" and "Richard Dawkins"

I am generally quite happy with my version of 'The Major General's Song' aka 'I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General' but there is still some room for improvement AFAIAC. I am thus welcoming any and all suggestions for tweaking the lyrics of what I call 'The Atheist Supremacist's Song' aka 'I Am The Very Model Of An Atheist Supremacist'. One thing that I am really quite pleased with is that it was actually possible to keep a few of the original lyrics completely intact and unmodified yet have them work just fine in the context of this new arrangement of Gilbert & Sullivan's 'The Major General's Song'. Do feel free to suggest improvements to the lyrics by leaving comments on the blog post.

* Atheist Supremacist Spokesperson

Posted by: Robin Edgar at November 4, 2008 08:08 PM

I had a bit of an epiphany yesterday Grey Monk. I discovered that my submission of The Atheist Supremacist's Song to the 'Am I Right?' musical parody website was accepted so now you and others get to vote on it.

Happy belated New Year,

Robin Edgar

Posted by: Robin Edgar at January 7, 2009 07:09 PM


Feel free to spread it around a bit too. . . :-)

Posted by: Robin Edgar at February 10, 2009 06:49 PM

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