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November 08, 2008

Blog Anniversary

It scarcely seems credible, but I have been blogging now - with gaps due to being out of internet access - for five whole years! The very first post on The Gray Monk appeared with the title New Toys on thie 9th November 2003. It has become almost a habit now to put up a daily post, even when I'm pushed for time there is that nagging feeling at the back of the mind that says, "do a post on the blog". Back then most of us were on dial-up or ISDN if you were really lucky, now we have WiFi and Broadband and the machine I use has memory measured in Gigabytes rather than the Megabytes of the first ones I encountered. Even the Processor speeds are now in Gigahertz!

I have to say that in the five years I have met a fascinating group of people - some, sadly, no longer of this world. Heather "Momma" Bare from Rochester, Massachusets blogged on here as "Church Mouse" for a couple of years until cancer took her suddenly. Other bloggers have succumbed to that scourge as well, several of them on my blogroll where I keep them as a sort of memorial to them. Then there is Ozguru who introduced me to blogging. He blogged at "G'day Mate" and has now moved on to blog under a new name at Catholic Down Under and is very involved in both his church life and in home schooling his kids and we are still in touch.

The Postulant blogged for a while here, and sometimes still comments, she is my eldest daughter of course. Then there is Mausi - we met at a conference several years ago in Poland and our friendship has grown out of our shared experiences at fire scenes, conferences and some really fun holidays here and in Germany where she lives.

Other Bloggers too have been fun to "meet" and to exchange ideas, comments and sometimes links. VWBug, of One Happy Dog Speaks in Florida, Da Goddess in San Diego, Andy, The Gorse Fox in Kingston Gorse, Seth of Hard Astarboard sometimes in Chicago but currently mostly globe trotting, and Skipjack at Skipjack DOT info. Cindy at Dusting my Brain, Susi at Practical Penumbra and Kathy at On the third hand (where Momma Bare also blogged.) and Andrew at Dodgeblogium.

These and many more have informed me, intrigued me or simply made me laugh or grin and I would hope that I have done the same for them along the way. One day I may find I no longer have the time or the inclination to do this, but I think its a way off yet! Thanks for all the comments and support - and for stopping by to read my ramblings occassionally!

Posted by The Gray Monk at November 8, 2008 09:15 AM

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Congratulations on the anniversary. The Gorse Fox always thinks of yours as one of the "must read" blogs. Inciteful, humourous, thoughtful, and outpourings of a good man.

Posted by: Gorse Fox at November 8, 2008 10:38 PM

A very happy blogiversary to you, Pat! It has been a pleasure getting to know you the past 5 years. I always look forward to my daily dose of The Gray Monk's tales and photos. Thank you for persevering. Writing on a daily basis is not easy. I myself have been taking a blogging break, so on that note I'm going to crawl back under my rock, but just wanted to say CONGRATS!!! :-)

Posted by: Cindy at November 9, 2008 08:09 PM

Thanks Cindy, I'm flattered.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at November 10, 2008 09:46 PM

Thank you for the kind words on YOUR blogversary. Sorry I am so late in commenting... been a little distracted. *hugs*

Posted by: vw bug at November 15, 2008 04:06 PM