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September 03, 2008

For the stormy winds do blow

The Cape got hit by a near Cyclone force storm (Hurricane in the Atlantic north of the Equator) but it's also unusual at this season (Early spring!). Parts of the western Cape even got snow, but the Cape Peninsula and the Eastern Cape coast got hit by the full force of the storm. Port Elizabeth faces East and usually rides these out with the wind coming from the West. This one hit from the South West but then swung into the Bay and drives the waves straight into the lower City and over the seawall.

The 'dolosa' do their job protecting the coastal motorway near Deal Party industrial estate. The invention of the 'dolosa' by the Harbour Engineer of the City of East London, South Africa's only 'River' port. Never patented, Eric Merrifield argued that they were for the benefit of mankind and not for his profit. As a child I remember helping with his experiments in a flat tray and miniatures. Our job was to rock the tray to make waves!

The storm drove a surge over the seawall and it flooded parts of the city in the low lying areas between Albany Road interchange and Mount Road interchange. I gather that the coastal motorway was closed due to water, rocks and spray thrown across the carriageway.

Spectacular spray from the seas bursting on the seawall at the container berth.

Breaking seas throw spray over the electric lines for the main railway line to Port Elizabeth station in the City centre.

These storms originate in the Great Southern Ocean and though they rarely come this far north, when they do they are awesome in their power. Around twenty years ago another one blew a 45 metre tall Container Crane off the quay and into the harbour. It pinioned a 35 metre pilot boat beneath it on a rising tide and gave the fire service a difficult two hour cutting job the free the boat and its crew.

There are always those who feel an urge to challenge the power of the sea ...

Posted by The Gray Monk at September 3, 2008 03:25 PM

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