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September 30, 2008

Change of Seasons

Lots of people seem to want summer to last all year long. Not so Mausi - summer even at this latitude is much too hot for her. Mausi likes all seasons but late summer/early autumn is a favourite with her. Suddenly all the smells are back which were lost in summer. Morning mists bring them up from freshly ploughed soil, the last flowers of the year give off their scent in the still warm sunshine. And the colours around are just beautiful.

Last Sunday was such a perfect day. Mausi took a walk in the morning and came across this striking maple tree.

A symphony in red and gold

On days like this Mausi really pities all the people who have to live near the equator and never see the change of seasons at all.

Posted by Mausi at September 30, 2008 06:14 PM

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