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September 11, 2008
Lest we forget. Today is the anniversary of one of history's greatest attrocities, committed by fundamentalists who want to drag the world back into the 7th Century and create a Global Theocracy, overturning centuries of hard won freedoms in the western world.
Spare a moment today to pray for those murdered by this terrorist scum - and pray too that the appeasers, humanists and secularists in the west who think that denigrating everything Christian and promoting Islam will create a "free and fair" society will be defeated and shown up to be the fools that they are.
Pray for those who defend us, despite the efforts of those who constantly undermine them, from the threat within our society and from without. Let us remember all those who have died in the Twin Towers and since in this struggle between cultures.
9/11 marked the beginning of a war which will continue into the future. A war on the entire western culture and its ideals, which, despite the constant attack from those in power in our own society against Christianity, is founded on the principles of the Christian Gospel. There is a reason the "enlightenment" happened in the west and not in those parts of the world controlled by Islam and it is one of seeking knowledge, something Islam rejected after the sacking of Baghdad in the 1300's. Until then Islamic scholars had certainly held the lead in the propagation of ancient knowledge, while Christian scholars were restricted by various Papal edicts restricting access to learning and scientific research. The widely held belief among those who should know better that Christians beliveed the world to be flat is nonsense. Those with suffient education and intelligence to even ponder the question would have told you that it was a globe. What they did have wrong - and they got it from the ancient Greeks - was that the rest of the heavens revolved around us.
I still find it interesting that many of our "liberal" fraternity can excuse the attack on the Twin Towers by pointing the finger at Christianity and dredging up the attrocities of the Crusades as a justification for Islamic Terrorists to attack any western nation that refuses to "submit" to their demands for the suppression of Israel and the adoption of Islamic law everywhere. Interesting is perhaps the wrong word, irritating in the extreme is perhaps a better description. The apologists for the attrocity of 9/11 and 7/7 in London and many other attacks and suicide bombings cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the fact that the teachings of Islam may lie at the root cause of the conflict, that the "Religion of Peace" may have a warmongering heart. It is so much safer anyway, to attack Christians for their quaint insistence on believing that Jesus was so much more than a mere prophet. And of course, it is a "majority" religion and must, by definition therefore, be "oppressive".
Remember all those who have died, victims of terror and of the liberal morons who apologise for the terrorists.
Posted by The Gray Monk at September 11, 2008 02:33 PM
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