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August 16, 2008


One of the authors on FanStory a literary site I belong to, has posted an Acrostic verse based on the name PATRICK. It is dedicated to me on the FanStory site so I am very flattered. Here it is

Persecuted by his enemies he has risen above their immorality,
Always finding good, praying for each that falls in evil fatality.
Teaching his family forgiveness and compassion for others,
Radiantly showing all people love, all are sister and brothers.
In loving devotion he preaches the Word of the Lord with passion,
Calmly calling all to give thanks, and to show others compassion.
Knowing great tiredness, he works on nobley, though wearied and ashen.

I hasten to add that she has taken the virtues of the saint for whom I am named and not mine into account in writing it!

The last line is especially poignant for me. As I have researched his life and times, I have been forced to the conclusion that, in his latter years (He died aged 76 by the most reliable accounts) he must have been suffering badly from arthritis. Almost certainly some of the things he was subjected to in his slavery will have left their mark and returned in the form of bad joints, skeletal problems and even digestive complaints. A man of great courage and even greater compassion.

Posted by The Gray Monk at August 16, 2008 06:44 AM

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