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August 11, 2008
A funny old day ....
Spent the morning talking to people from the German television station ZDF. The funny part was that neither of them came from Germany and neither spoke a word of German. The interveiwer was the product of an exclusive English Public School and so was the cameraman. If anything his school is probably the best known of all Public Schools. Just shows, never judge a book by its covers .....
They were here to make a short piece on the rising problem across Europe of the theft of any metal that can be ripped from wherever it currently is and sold to a scrap merchant. The other person interviewed was the Operations Manager of an Insurance company that specialises in Church buildings and some of his information was, I must admit, a real eye-opener. I know I have often said that I might as well sleep in the Abbey given the amount of time I spend there - well, there are Church Wardens who do sleep in their churches just to guard against theft!
After that interview I had to go to another. This time it was one in which my suitability for ordination was under scrutiny. I think it went well, but I'm never a good judge of the outcomes from these so I won't be holding my breath. Anyway, there is still another interview to go through and then I still need the "Faculty" of the Archbishop of Canterbury himself to proceed. The Church of England moves incredibly slowly and in a very complicated dance it seems!
Getting home, I fielded three phone calls in short order, all of them for work. Again, I have had very little paying work for the last couple of months and suddenly I'm swamped. At least I should get enough from that to pay the taxman!
Hiho, a strange old day - and there's more to come!
Posted by The Gray Monk at August 11, 2008 09:21 PM
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