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September 06, 2007

Stressed? Call God ....

Actually, that may not be a silly as it sounds. The Church of England is offering short prayers to help us relieve the stress and tension of our daily grind, showing in many of these short and pertinent prayers a lot of thought and consideration of what people encounter in various work related situations. A special section of the website has been set up to provide them and makes good reading if you have and mind to seek a prayer to help relieve your stress.

There is a sensible point to this and it is, as always, a simple one. God IS involved in every aspect of our lives so it makes sense to ask for his help in times of stress or strain. The truth is that if we actually lived our faith and practiced what it teaches we would not be stressed. Or, at the very least, we would be much less stressed.

Do use the links above to find the prayers and use them. They are well thought out and very useful.

LONDON (AFP) - The Church of England has published a series of prayers aimed at helping Britons cope with the post-holiday Monday blues as they trudge back into work following the long break.

The prayers include one for stressed-out commuters stuck in a train tunnel, as well as a few lines seeking heavenly help in coping with frustrating telephone conversations.

"Father, as I talk to this person, give me a listening ear and a gracious tongue," heads the one-liner entitled "Brinnng Brinnng", and published on the Anglican church's website.

In "A Commuter's Prayer", the returning worker fails to get a seat on a packed train. "We're stuck in a tunnel; everybodys sighing; we're not moving," it says.

"Let me know your peace and grace ... For the sake of my sanity," it adds.

A church spokesman noted that the prayers were published as millions of Britons return to work after the extended summer holiday.

"The selection is aimed at banishing the post-holiday blues with God's help," he said, adding: "We're showing that God's love isn't just a holiday romance."

And he denied that such prayers trivialise the church's message. "Clearly the Church is concerned about the big global issues but we also believe that God is concerned about our everyday lives just as much," the spokesman said.

The train commuter's prayer could be particularly appopriate for Londoners, facing a threatened three-day strike on the capital's Underground system from Monday evening.

Posted by The Gray Monk at September 6, 2007 07:03 AM

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