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August 16, 2007

Spam attack

I am under a constant bombardment at the moment from a spam generator. The "e-mail" address on all of these is Pakerson@mgmail.com which is obviously a false address. Up to now I have been able to contain this quite simply by deleting everything and then closing the comments on the post they were targetting. Now they are targetting posts almost as soon as I have put them up.

It could be funny I suppose, but I really do not appreciate being targeted to post links for porn sites, particularly those of a more marginal nature.

If this continues I will have no option but to close all access to posting of comments - and I'm pretty sure that it is only a matter of time before one of these damned spammers finds a way to bypass your login for your blog and start posting directly. I recently posted an item in which I mentioned the fact that a lot of blogs I used to enjoy have disappeared - and from the feedback I have had, spam comments and trackbacks are a major reason. I get fed up with having to clear out hundreds of spam comments every day and have several times contemplated giving up the struggle. Then I noticed that particular posts seemed to attract more spam than others and that led me to the conclusion that these things obviously hunt for a "key word" and attack any post with those words in them.

Well, for now I will continue to close down comments on the older posts and hope that has some impact. For the rest I shall just have to hope that Pixymisa and Co can find a way to install that clever system that makes a commenter enter a code .....

That seems to work.

Posted by The Gray Monk at August 16, 2007 03:19 PM

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Nice blog you have here! I came over from The Anchoress. Just thought I'd leave a non-spam comment. :-) I've bookmarked your site, and I'll be back.

Posted by: Mary in LA at August 17, 2007 12:08 AM

That's why I shut off comments after 14 days I just got tried of cleaning up after those rectal lickers

Posted by: skipjack at August 17, 2007 04:10 AM