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April 05, 2007

Maundy Thursday

Having just got back from the Cathedral and the annual blessing of the oils and renewal of priestly vows Mass, it is a beautiful day, the service was, as ever, very, very moving and the light inside our Cathedral fabulous. These are the sort of days when it is a joy to be alive.

Today is, of course Maundy Thursday and in a few hours I will be off to the Abbey to take part in the Maundy Mass. During this service the Celebrant will wash the feet of twelve parishioners, in itself one of the most moving acts to witness, and even more so if you are part of it. "Then Lord, not just my feet, but my hands and my head as well!" Sor exclaimed Peter when Jesus washed his feet at the last supper. He is referring to the ritual washing performed before prayer - and echo of which is seen in the washing ritual practiced by Muslims before prayer - and to the ritual washing away of sin practiced in Judaism in the first century. The priest performs this act as a reminder that Christ came as the Servant King - and that is a part of the priests calling as well, to be the servant.

At the end of the Mass the final Gospel will be read while the Altars are stripped and all the decoration is removed from the church. As the Gospel ends and the last items are carried out the choir and congregation will scatter. A reminder again that the disciples ran away when Jesus was seized.

A day, which begins in joy and ends in abandonment. Something to make us think as we approach the Cross on Good Friday.

Posted by The Gray Monk at April 5, 2007 03:16 PM

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