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August 23, 2006

Spam comments

On Sunday I suffered a concerted spam attack on my comments entries, defeated thanks to the fact that MuNu has a holding tank for unregistered comments. The annoying thing was that it took me over half an hour to clear out a hundred and forty seven "comments" from a variety of spoof addresses, ironically most of them in German! With Mausi being away for a few days, I had to resort to the dictionary a couple of times, but sadly, everything from the address "Furniture" was just spam - and not even interesting spam.

It seems to come and go in waves, and I am now used to clearing out at least three a day from "online pharmacy" or some other equally unoriginal title, although lately those have tailed off as well. The one which used to really irritate me was one which regularly popped up and said something like ... "I haven't been interested in much lately, just sitting around at ..." and was signed by someone called Kaka. It became enough to just see the name and the delete went into operation.

Spam is a nuisance, but more than that it is, as I have said before, a form of terrorism as its purpose is to disrupt the internet. A huge amount of it originates from University networks and seems to be the result of students trying to "prove" their abilities or as a "joke", while other bits of it are obviously commercially driven. Perhaps it is time government's took a much more serious view of those originating it - even as a joke!

Posted by The Gray Monk at August 23, 2006 10:47 AM

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