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June 17, 2006
Educational failures .......
Mr Blair may have another "bad week for Labour" to confess too soon. It would seem though that this time he will not be alone in having to carry the can for at least part of the latest bit of really bad news for the country. It would seem that both the LibDems and the Tories have to accept a part of the blame for this one - the Comprehensive failure of the Comprehensive eductaion system.
A report just published shows categorically that children who have gone through the Comprehensive system in the last forty years since Labour introduced it and vowed to shut all public schools and Grammars, that the chances of anyone from a "poorer" (ie:Middle income or lower) background actually getting a look in for a higher paid or above average job is now lower than it was before Labour interfered. A survey of the top jobs in the UK shows that on average 70% of those in them are from Public School or Grammar school backgrounds and the kids from the Comprehensive haven't a snowballs hope of improving their lot - the certainly won't get the boardroom posts unless they or some rich relative actually buys the company! Comprehensive failure is the mark of the Comprehensive system, primarily because it does not address the needs of the bright children and it tries to be all things to all abilities - which is impossible!
Looking back at who the promoters of this grandiose scheme were, it should be no surprise to discover that they were almost all from Grammar Schools or Public Schools and the better universities where their heads were no doubt stuffed with the sort of Socialist claptrap which pervaded the 1930's and 40's and infested everything in education since. In other words these privileged and pamapered idiots have driven their ideoloical sabotage through and guaranteed that their progeny - since they control the wealth and the access to it - are now entrenched and everyone else is destined to remain a peasant or serf to their ideological Utopia from here on in. Unfortunately it is a Utopia that ensures that workers and their children will always be workers and those who can afford the Private route will always be the ones in charge. Comprehensive social engineering in a nutshell.
Labour introduced it, the Liberals espoused it, and the Tories have done nothing to redress the problems. Therefore, in my book, they are all in it up to their necks! OK for some - as long as you are in the right group.
Mixed ability classes, lack of competition, supression of sporting activities, dumbing down of standards and academic content - it is the mark of Comprehensive education. It is not comprehensive and it is most emphatically NOT equal to that offered in private schools or the Grammars. This latest report is damining in the extreme, but what will happen to improve it? Nothing, not one thing. Why, because the political elite of this country have it all nicely stitched up - as long as your children and mine are denied a decent education they cannot threaten the dynastic ambitions of the Whitehall and Westminster mafia.
Our education system is a Comprehensive sham, but don't expect to see any improvement - at least not before the next ice-age anyway.
Posted by The Gray Monk at June 17, 2006 01:21 PM
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