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May 08, 2006

Monday mayhem?

Having a long break from the usual daily bind is both a good thing and a bad one. It's bad because you return to work to find that a skip and a power digger are necessary to rediscover your desk, your coffee mug is growing interesting fungii and there may well be dragons lurking in some of the under explored areas of your office. Its good because that initial feeling of euphoria keeps you in a bouyant mood even though the rest of your body is saying "Dontwannabehere!" and drumming its heels!

When you work in the public sector the other piece of fun is the constant changes of direction, such as having replaced a failed wine steward as head of the department with a kindergarten teacher to oversee the failed fire fighter who at least knew what one of those big red lorries we use actually does who was the minister responsible - they changed the departmental name and then replaced the fire fighter type with a feminist who has never even seen a big red lorry so that she can run what's left of the fire service completely into the ground and turn it into yet another feminised non-service. My colleagues are all speculating today what future (if any) we have left here, and how much this latest change of name which will no doubt require new letterheads, new compliments slips, new memo pads and new website and probably a "re-launch" to get across to the paying public that we have a "new" face and a"new" mission, will cost Joe Taxpayer. Probably a billion squid or so, but hey, who cares, its all in the interests of that nice, Mr Squeaky Clean Blair staying in power so it has to be worth it.

As for good old "Two Jags" he's very much now also "No Job but still got Two Stately Homes at the Taxpayers Expense" so he's laughing. Are you?

Posted by The Gray Monk at May 8, 2006 02:03 PM

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