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May 20, 2006

Colours of the North

One of the things I like most about the North is the light and the colours up there. The air always seems so much clearer in the isles. Of course, with such a sparse population and almost no heavy industry air pollution is not really an item in that area. The colours of the sky and the sea are forever changing and even after a shower everything looks fresh and clear again.

As is quite common in Scandinavia we also found brightly painted houses in Tobermory on the Isle of Mull.

Main street of Tobermory

Compared to many cities on the Scottish mainland this little town looks exceptionally cheerful in her bright colours. We decided to have an impromptu picnic there with the town to our left and a view of Tobermory Bay to our right.

Tobermory Bay

Pity, it's always others that win the lottery and would be able to afford living in the isles and glens and having a boat to sail around the islands. I cannot imagine why people would want to live at the Mediterranean Sea in Nice or Cannes - I'd prefer the North any time. A fresh, invigorating breez suits me a lot more than the sizzling heat of the South.

Leaving Tobermory we decided to take a "scenic drive" along the B 8073 around the north eastern part of Mull and then back to the south coast. The views were breathtaking but the road turned out to be quite demanding on the driving skills with lots of hairpin turns, blind summits, adventurous sheep etc. Good fun, really!

Mull is famous for the birds that can be observed and spotted there. We were lucky enough to catch at least a glimpse or two of the most famous ones that day: the sea eagle.

Sea eagles on Mull

If you ever get a chance to visit Mull do it by all means. It is well worth the effort.

Posted by Mausi at May 20, 2006 10:07 AM

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