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December 22, 2005

Sleaze? Who, that nice Mr Blair?

Well, well, well. Our illustrious leader has been hiding his tracks again it seems. Having commissioned a report into ministerial kudos and perks, he apparently has sat on the report for over six months and is apparently about to act on its findings. Or is he? Well, actually, he's planning to ignore them - and abolish the sleaze watchdog body which blew the whistle on his government's sleazy activities.

Well, you surely didn't expect him to admit that his government has been the sleazyest ever did you?

No, in typical Labour Party fashion, having been caught out with their snouts firmly in the trough, they have taken the same action that the old Soviet regime would have taken. Trump up something on the messenger, suppress the report, dismiss the watchdogs and deny all impropriety. Taken with his behaviour over the Honours List - anybody who stumps up funds for the party or a nice little earner for any Labour apparatchik or their media campaigns gets a knighthood of a peerage - and his dismissal of the watchdog body that was supposed to guard against that behaviour, Mr Blair's 1997 election promises that his party would be whiter than white and more open, honest and upfront than any previous government is now exposed for what it is.

The biggest con trick anyone has ever seen. This is a party that is corrupt to it's core, hell bent on the Sovietisation of Britain and the destruction of everything that is decent in British Society. It is time they were thrown out on their ears and prosecuted for their abuse of our democracy and their blatant chichancery and abuse of the high offices they disgrace by their presence.

Time to go Mr Blair - and take your Civil Service placemen with you when you leave!

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 22, 2005 06:30 PM

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