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December 15, 2005

More Brussels power grabbing.

The average person in the UK is - or was - blissfully unaware of the fact that Brussels has managed, despite the rejection of the "EU Constitution", to sneak in it's grab for overall control by the backdoor. Well, we were in ignorance, that is until a series of leaks this week revealed the full extent to which our civil servants and the present government have surrendered power and control to the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.

Even Prescott's famous "Regional Assemblies" were a part of the overall Brussels plan to break up strong "national" ties and replace them with puppet Assemblies which could be controlled by Brussels and Strasbourg. Anyone who thought that the vote rejecting the Constitution and the even more outright rejection of the "Regional Assemblies" in the North East would see an end to the matter should think again. Now Prescott and his bureaucrats have "appointed" their toadies to run "Regional Boards" - actually they did this sometime ago in anticipation of getting their way with the "Assemblies" - which are now slowly but surely assuming the powers of Regional Government by stealth. When next we look we will find that our Police services, Ambulances, Health care and Fire Services are all run by the Regional Board and not, as at present, by the Local Authority. Nor is this all, even the "great" Departments of State are slowly becoming mere agencies of Brussels. The Ministry of Defence has now all but surrendered control of our armed forces to the "European Defence Agency" and the Environmental Agency - supposedly answerable to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, is in reality an agency of the European Environment Protection Directorate based in Italy and answering to an EU Commissioner.

Our fisheries policies, agricultural policies, policing, judiciary and immigration is increasingly in the hands of the totally unelected European Commission and their poodles and not under the overpaid and worthless Ministers who pretend to control our destiny. In effect, thanks to Blair's obssession with being President of the United States of Europe one way or another, we, the British taxpayers and voters, are being effectively sidelined and disenfranchised. Our elected MP's, Local Councillors and despised civil servants are no more than frontmen for the real rulers - the Eurocrats in Brussels.

I suppose we should have seen this coming, it hasn't, after all, happened overnight. Quite what can be done about it now is a very open question. Certainly it does go a long way to explaining why Blair is so keen to stifle any debate and to hang onto power at all costs.

Ironic is it not, that the Carolingian Empire has been stealthily recreated, not by force of arms, nor even by force of persuasion, but by assimilation and deceit, both internally and externally. The one enlargement of that empire is the inclusion of the UK and of Denmark, both of which stood outside of the original Empire ruled by Charlemagne. He never succeeded in invading these isles or of penetrating into Denmark, but the bureaucrats in Brussels have achieved it with weazel words and empty promises.

Just proves the epithet - the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 15, 2005 07:50 PM

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... and the essence of the problem, sadly, is democracy.

Posted by: Auctor Ignotus at December 15, 2005 11:21 PM