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October 16, 2005
Newcomers to the Monk's blog
It is always fun to welcome someone new onto one's page and I have two! In the near future you will see entries appearing under the names of The Postulant and Mausi, one based in London and the other in Wiesbaden in Germany.
The Postulant some of you may have encountered before - she used to have her own blog, but Mausi is new to this game and lives in the foothills of the Taunus mountains. It will be fun to see what we all have to say - especially as we are all from different backgrounds and although we all share a love of Pratchett and a fistful of beliefs, we all have different takes on a number of things and widely different careers.
Oh, and we all like the Murray Ball cartoons of the "Dog" set in a wonderfully zany world called Footrot Flats! Watch out world, this could get very humourous!
Posted by The Gray Monk at October 16, 2005 03:58 PM
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