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September 13, 2005
Thought for the day
My desk calendar gives a quote for each day, some amusing, some witty and some so close to the truth that they merit further examination.
This is the one from last Friday:
"Democracy used to be a good thing, but now it has gotten into the wrong hands"
Attributed to Senator Jesse Helms from North Carolina, it makes me want to ask the question; "In whose hands should it be?" It seems to me to be the case that it is no longer in the hands of the electorate (if it ever was!) but has universally become the possession of the "elected" Party Apparatchiks in every "democratic" nation. It is certainly the case everywhere the vote goes to a "party" rather than a person elected for his or her accord with those they purport to represent!
I wonder in whose hands the good senator thought it should be? Surely not his own as an elected rep in the corridors of power? Could he have meant the electorate? Surely not!
Quite a thought.
Posted by The Gray Monk at September 13, 2005 10:49 AM
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It's interesting to note what has happened to 'democracy' in this Septic Isle. You're right - we vote for the party rather than the candidate. Due to the perverse nature of our corrupt electoral system, we have in place the 'Labour' party (surely misnamed!). This so-called Labour party is controlled by one Anthony Blair, a proven liar and political chameleon. His own party can't even get rid of him. What is even more frightening is the fact that this party has a declining membership. So much so, that if the rate of decline continues, there will be zero members by 2018! Yet they are still in power after a third electoral victory. Something is terminally wrong with British politics, but you're right - in the next post you suggest the Chancellor (or should that be 'Chancer'?) is treating us like idiots. We must be!!
Posted by: Slim Jim at September 14, 2005 01:25 PM