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September 07, 2005


Many of the beautifully restored buildings one sees in the Rhien-Pfalz are, like the one in the attached picture, decorated. This is all the more remarkable for the fact that many of them were very badly damaged by bombs and fire in World War 2 and have been rebuilt or restored since.

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Decorated medieval buildings in the centre of the old city of Mainz.

The city of Mainz suffered some bombing during the war, primarily because of its size and it's strategic location on the river. All the more credit, then, to the citizens and the nation that it has been so beautifully and lovingly restored. Mainz and the sister city on the North bank, Wiesbaden will need further exploration when the Monk has an opportunity!

Posted by The Gray Monk at September 7, 2005 01:56 PM

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