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September 19, 2005

Creating ghettoes?

I am finding myself more and more in accord with Trevor Phillips, Chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality (an organisation I have personally no time for at all!). He has recently spoken out - albeit in code - against "multi-culturalism". In a recent speech in Manchester he declared that our "tolerance of diversity" was "sleepwalking us into segregation".

Now I have argued before that the "preservation of diversity" is nothing less than "Apartheid" by another name, so it comes as a welcome confirmation to have Mr Phillips state that the emphasis on diversity is encouraging the growth of segregation. That diversity is in fact isolating people and dividing society, by encouraging the growth of ghettoes in which minority communities cut themselves off and then apply seperate values to themselves and those they encounter when they make forays into the rest of British society.

As Mr Phillips says; "The fragmentation of our society by race and ethnicity is a catastrophe for us all." I would actually say it is more than that, it is a travesty created by a failed ideology and perpetuated by a small minority whose purpose is to create a society founded on their vision of Utopia, a totally unworkable concept in any shape or form and which will lead, ultimately, to a tragedy for every part of British Society.

Seeing Mr Hain bleating about wanting to see more and more "integration" is insulting, since this is the very same man who so despises our own culture that he and his cohorts have dreamed up this "rainbow" Britain concept which, as Mr Phillips has rightly pointed out, is leading in the opposite direction. What is needed is not more money (as Mr Phillips suggests) or even more talking (as the Conservative Spokesman suggests) but a much more pragmatic and sensible approach based on common sense and not ideology. The starting pioint has to be a review of the current immigration policy and of the mess that is the "asylum" policy. Without a much more sensible approach to these important issues there can be no starting point - the country has now a total of 7.5% of the population as "new arrivals" since 1991, and the enlargement of Europe seems to be increasing this with the loss of controls on our borders and the reluctance of the Whitehall Whallahs to actually get to grips with the abuses and abusers.

There are not going to be any quick fixes for this, nor are there going to be any easy solutions. The politicians have between them created this mess, the lawyers thrive on it and a whole "industry" of "equality, diversity and ethnic rights" activists have made careers out of it. The victims are almost entirely the entire population of the UK as we all find ourselves forced deeper and deeper into our own little ghetto.

I welcome Mr Phillips warning, let us all hope that someone, somewhere, will kick into gear the machinery that will do something about it. In the meantime we should all do our utmost to expose the sham that is "multi-culturalism" and the farce that it is the "only" future. We should all be British - or not. To attempt to be anything else while living in these isles is to invite the creation of yet more ghettoes and that can only lead to disaster.

Posted by The Gray Monk at September 19, 2005 01:33 PM

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