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July 31, 2005


Ozguru of G'day Mate is to be congratulated on his selection for training to the ministry of Acolyte in the Roman Catholic Church. It is something he has long felt called to do and at long last is undergoing the training for it. Well done, Oz, you will be a real asset to your parish, of that I am very sure.

I sincerely hope that you will have as rewarding a ministry in your church as I have in mine. It is an awesome and humbling thing to minister to one's fellows and it is a very challenging one as well on occassion. It is also a question of having sometimes to juggle priorities - and that can provide some interesting challenges - but it can also provide some interesting opportunities for ministry!

As a Licensed, rather than an Ordained minister, I treasure the Licence issued to me (and still valid) from the Diocese in which I first began to be a "Reader". It begins:

"Patrick, by Divine Permission, Bishop of Bloemfontein, to our beloved in Christ Patrick ....."

Enjoy your ministry - and above all, have fun doing it!

Posted by The Gray Monk at July 31, 2005 12:53 PM


Ozguru will have much to offer, as do you...blessings on both of you !!

Posted by: MommaBear at July 31, 2005 06:18 PM